Averaged Timber Prices – past years’ sales


Roadside Sale events

Product codeProductAverage of Price / tonneheadline quantity
GLGreen Logs£75.68112441
GSAShort Green Bar A£64.7262188
XSStakes & Rails£56.9211585
RLRed Logs£55.303475
OLOversize Log & other£52.822200
FOFirewood (HW)£30.583051
SBTStump, Brash, Tops£30.00300

Roadside despatches

RS productAverage
GL - Green Logs£77.42
GSA - Short Green Bar A£59.29
WF - Woodfuel£28.36
CS - Chipwood£35.65
XS - Stakes & Rails£54.79
OL - Oversize Log & other£58.13
SBT - Stump, Brash, Tops£22.96
XP - Posts£49.06
RL - Red Logs£50.82
FO - Firewood (HW)£36.64
GLP - Logpoles£66.46
GSB - Short Green Bar B£54.00

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