Timber Sales & Marketing Plan 2021 to 2026


Timber marketing

The timber sales and marketing plan is influenced by overarching Welsh Government policy as highlighted in the Woodlands for Wales strategy and supported by delivery of forest resource plans and NRW’s corporate and business plans. It may also in the future, be influenced by local well-being plans as determined by Public Service Boards in regions as identified in the Well-being and Future Generations (Wales) Act.

The marketing objectives will be delivered by maintaining and introducing the following approaches for the duration of this plan period.

A dominance of sales activities via open market tender using the electronic sale platform, open to existing and new customers. At least 70% of the five-year programme will be offered to the open market via this platform.
Working with stakeholders and customers, we will openly and fairly embed a People, Planet and Prosperity approach to timber sales activities on the WGWE. This approach will bring together the timber sales pre-qualification approval and the health and safety Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) approval to ensure our customers incorporate social and environmental standards into their business activities. We will aim to develop this approach in 2021, introduce a pilot and seek to implement it for all timber sale transactions by 2023/2024.

Timber Sales & Marketing Plan 2021-2026

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